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3 Unique Ways To Make Your Event Pop

The 1st "Embracing the Real You Styling Workshop" was nothing short of amazing. Myself and Eseomon my PIF partner in fashion and co-host Eseomon Aledan had our first "Embracing the Real You" Styling Workshop. The sold event brought women from every shape, size, and shade to gather and discuss how to "Embrace their Worth" , "Embrace their Body", and "Embrace their Style".

But before, any of this could happen it all starts with a dream or vision. No matter how big or small you think your dreams are, don't ever stop dreaming.


To have a successful event you first must visualize. Not just in the since of decorations, food, or swag bags, which is important But visualize how you want the event for guests to feel. Write a list of the major take aways you would like the event to have. Visualizing the event before it happens gives you a clear guide of how to plan your panelist/speakers. Don't also be afraid to get feedback during this stage of planning your event. Get an opinion from people you know have good critics about your vision. Stay away from the "nay sayers" or people who say that you can't make it happen. This is the part of the process where you let all the ideas you have for the event flow.


This portion in the process is crucial! Organizing and scheduling will take precedent in this part of the process! Whether you're a full-time student, have a nine-to-five job, or a full-time entrepreneur your time is precious. Put in your calendar times for logistic meetings, venue walk-ins, sponsorship meetings, press emails, and team meetings. You should set goals for each part of the event planning process. I separate my meetings into weekly and daily goals . Color coding works wonders for this method. When planning I separate my event into three parts Logistics (venue, audio, technology/ ticketing), sponsorship meetings, Marketing (social media tactics, promotional material, fliers, press, media deck, content calendar) Decorations (banners, step and repeat, flowers, balloons). I fine tune my ideas and really start to have thing fall into place. Each week, up to the event I complete a goal from three stated categories.


Ready, set, perform! This step in the process is the day of the show, where all the hard work is done. All that is left is to make final touches. Whether it is fresh flowers, or an adjustment in the arrangements. But, its ultimately your time for you to bring electric energy and overall good attitude to everyone around you.

I hope you find this helpful when making your event pop! These are some simple tips you can follow. If you have anymore questions or need more guidance on any subject dealing with events be sure to contact me.

As always, for more updates on blogs and events follow me on Instagram and Facebook @mionsade & @stylesbymion.

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