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3 Steps to Building Confidence

Do you feel like your confident ? When asked this question most people say either a solid "yes" or "I'm not really sure". When reflecting on my freshmen year at Hampton University I thought about what really helped me to succeed and thrive while I was there. What helped me the most at Hampton was being "confident in my abilities and myself". Confidence is knowing who you are on the inside and not being afraid to express and share your talents and ambitions with others. To me confidence does not mean simply "popping out" every Friday at 12-2, even though those days are fun too. I compiled a list of things you have to truly understand to feel and be more confident.

1.Your Mindset

Your mindset has to be aligned with the goals you wish to achieve. Having a positive mindset is key to building confidence. Speaking what you want to accomplish into existence pushes you to your goals. The law of attraction is real. If you put positive energy into anything your doing , a positive outcome is bound to happen. It does not always happen as quickly as you want it but having faith brings you a step closer to reaching your goals. Lastly, it is best you put your faith in something. If you believe in God trust in Him and His specific path for you. If you believe in the universe believe that it will give you what you dream and think the most about.

2. Stepping out your "Comfort zone"

Stepping out your comfort zone has to be the hardest step, for most people. Why? because most people don't want to be embarrassed , isolated , or talked about negatively. Think, about it this way everyone has to start some where. President William R. Harvey did not just wake up and become Hampton University's president for 37 years. He had to work hard , grind , and have obstacles along the way. To get to the places that you want to go , you have to put yourself out there. Talk to people on campus you have been watching. Make them your mentor, especially if they are doing what you see yourself wanting to do in the future. Join clubs that will help you grow and challenge you. Taking yourself out of your comfort zone is never suppose to be a bad experience. It enlightens you and you learn from every situation. For example annually Hampton University's freshmen class runs an event called Battle of the States aka BOTS a showcase of talent from each region. I can not sing , I am neither a trained dancer , nor a professional model. However I knew 1. I could walk in heels which was half the battle and 2. that I wanted this to be apart of my college experience. From BOTS I gained the ability to have a stage prescence and be confident while in it.

3. Stay in your "own" lane

Building confidence in yourself is your journey to make and no one else's. You have to be willing to condition yourself and trying to becoming a better you everyday. "What is meant for you will be for you". Telling yourself this everyday is essential. If you are in a competitive major such as journalism or business administration. You often here "everyone in here is your competition" and "you have to be better than the next man." Instead of taking this to heart , use it as a catalyst to push you. But, to motivate you be glad in the fact that nobody can do things like you. Knowing that you are equipped and bring a different skill set and background , will build your confidence. Being unique is an advantage, because we all have our individual paths to take.

Building confidence is not always easy but it can be made easier by following these steps. In the end, being let down or disappointment can bruise your ego. It is going to happen because it happens to everyone. But don't let it take away your confidence.

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