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It's Pisces Season: Birthday Recap

Being 21 has taught me a multitude of things about myself. This year, I surrounded myself with positive vibes, positive thoughts, and positive energy. In addition, to striving to be a better version of myself. I reflected a lot on what I want to accomplish in the next few years.

21 taught me to...

Claim more, Complain Less

What do I mean by claim more. I mean actually preparing yourself to win. Even if you don't win or reach a goal you set for yourself that's okay. When goal setting write it down, and work towards achieving it even if you don't receive the results at least you can say you tried your best. I have found comfort and knowing that I have tried my best which leads me into my next point.

Be realistic, Not pessimistic

At this age, it is easy to fall into a never ending rabbit hole of comparison. Comparison of yourself to other students,bloggers, interns. However, I have learned that it is okay to notice differences with yourself and others. But we are all on our own journey fulfilling or our purpose for our lives. It is counterproductive to compare my Day 2 to someone else's day 302.

Faith Over Worry

Stepping out on faith gives me joy now. Of course anxiety and anxiousness try to join in on my joy. However, I'm a visionary so visualizing myself in spaces that I only dreamed about being in motivate me. Majority of my readers are in college so we know that we are gifted and talented but we are normally waiting on that big break or a chance to shine. But once you decide to "step out" make sure you "stick it out" too don't lose faith in your abilities.

Trust the Journey

The journey maybe a long slope to where you want to be in your life. But trust that your work ethic, persistency, and passion will get you far.

Don't Settle

Now, that I am coming very close to the finish line of graduating. I chose not to settle for mediocrity in both my academic life, love life, and future career goals.

I hope I was able to give you some gems to help you navigate your early 20's. Be sure to follow me on social media on Instagram @mionsade and @stylesbymion.

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